Minggu, 03 Februari 2013

man Ngungun.

Short Story:
Face-to-empty and wrinkle his face no longer emit light. Character harshness no longer have any power. He was just waiting for the moment to come.
I am so so sorry when all the children still have fear unbelievable to him. Really, he did not have any strength to be angry, or throw clogs to our bodies as we were during small.

Life for her a matter of time, so ngungun and alone. Whole companions one by one his age has gone. No more lonely place to shed all or brilliant ideas about life and living.
I remembered mom saying a few days before he left us for ever. '' If God wants me to go home first, take care of your father. There should be no resentment or hatred. That's the nature of your father. You must remember, however, he has risked his life to raise and give life to all of you, children.''
Between mothers and fathers is far different. Mother is a woman who is so patient, loyal and have awareness of death. Mother is a woman who understands the true meaning of a love and life. Not only the children, but also the divine.
Beads, and the Qur'an mukena never be separated from his grasp. Life for women is a devotion, to God, my father and all his children. Not surprisingly, she was always wary if they have to go home to his Creator precedes father.
'' It was not afraid of dying mother, but the mother was afraid father would be lonely. Therefore, the mother had a feeling you all will not be able to accompany your father.'' At that time I could only bow his head. I remember our childhood. Of the fourteen children, almost none of whom do not feel slap father, or sick to be treated as an 'enemy'. Dad was so hard, discipline and dictators. However, between her character was actually tucked an extraordinary intelligence. Intelligence that is later revealed to his children.
Sometimes he's like Leonardo da Vinci or Einstein. Even though a lot more like a tiger, Rumi often appear light in his eyes. Once upon a time he spoke to me how to respond to life,'' a clean heart is a mirror without stain so it can receive a lot of shadow, or reflection. The cleaner had left the fragrance and color, every time they can see the beauty without a hitch *. So live with heart, conscience and without hatred.''
That's when my father started talking about life. He often brings the words of the wise, is no exception Rumi or the other. When talking about the universe, he would quote passages from the Koran, even the paranormal.
Her mind was always soar. All wishes must be followed, including the hiring of the mother to feed all her children, while she's so busy with his mind and his dreams, until he lost consciousness that life is no life that must bear, that his wife and children.
He also forgot the essence of true love from a man, to the mother, her children and the divine. He also did not realize that her passion loud and explosive had actually hurt her and meluluhlantakakan expectations. Moreover, when the mother was dead. He looked so lonely.
Whenever dealing with my father, my mother always reminded of that now in the arms of his Creator. '' There should be no resentment or hatred. Never leave your father alone. Just look at her. He was hard, but it actually has a love for you. If there is a sense of revenge, should the mother of the most vengeful. But no. Do not. Love your dad as mom love you.''
Old body man we used pangil father was now more lying in bed. Old age has claimed the whole character. He was like a cocoon, not to be born again into a beautiful butterfly, but to come home to who owns it.
Sometimes I heard him mention the name of Allah and seek forgiveness. Light eyes as saying,'' Come dear, close Come closer to me, forgive your father who has hurt you.''
His gaze was often made my heart tremble, my heart injuries such as bleed and hurt. But, when it flashed before the eyes of the mother's face, I cry and feel guilty, then wound turn to other injuries. No. There should be no resentment at all in my heart. As the mother, although the wound deeper, not a shred of a sense of revenge or hatred to the father.
When young and strong, fathers taught us about living with violence, alienation and isolation as well as fanciful. While mom teaches love and compassion for us. When the father's eyes emit fire of anger, the mother's eyes emit water and water it until extinguished. Thus, when the mother left us for ever, we feel lost and missed his presence many years back.
Whenever I visit my father, always taking the mother's room and looked in his face in a family photo. In her beautiful and gentle that I learned how love conquers all hatred, jealousy, anger and revenge. Love that emanates from the mother's face like Samodra beauty. If it were so longing vanished. The face that was able to impart wisdom. Life must be lived with heartfelt sincerity and awareness to leave everything and devoted love.
Perhaps feeling the same father with my feelings towards the mother's departure ten years ago. In fact, maybe wounds suffered much deeper. Moreover, while living with her mother, the father has a large dependence on the mother who always hurt him. Perhaps his injury has now become the biggest burden for fathers.
If the mother of the most oppressed have always forgive, why can not I?
Why are my brothers are also not?
I feel, sometimes he misses the presence of a person, also their children, who feel has been missing from her life. He was so lonely. When I looked, there seemed little grains among the dim light of his eyes, he always asks how's Fuad, Zaim, Nur or my other brother. If so, will he finally fell silent.
Faced with his father now, should not grudge or hatred that we plug in the chest. But, the light of love, or caress with words and a pure heart. Not long, maybe not long before he would return to his Creator after the mother, and it was bound to happen. He now no longer flapping his courage, or light rammed anger to anyone. That he could only mumble in the struggle towards the end of his journey. He was very dim, he was like man Ngungun.

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