Minggu, 03 Februari 2013

man Ngungun.

Short Story:
Face-to-empty and wrinkle his face no longer emit light. Character harshness no longer have any power. He was just waiting for the moment to come.
I am so so sorry when all the children still have fear unbelievable to him. Really, he did not have any strength to be angry, or throw clogs to our bodies as we were during small.

Life for her a matter of time, so ngungun and alone. Whole companions one by one his age has gone. No more lonely place to shed all or brilliant ideas about life and living.
I remembered mom saying a few days before he left us for ever. '' If God wants me to go home first, take care of your father. There should be no resentment or hatred. That's the nature of your father. You must remember, however, he has risked his life to raise and give life to all of you, children.''
Between mothers and fathers is far different. Mother is a woman who is so patient, loyal and have awareness of death. Mother is a woman who understands the true meaning of a love and life. Not only the children, but also the divine.
Beads, and the Qur'an mukena never be separated from his grasp. Life for women is a devotion, to God, my father and all his children. Not surprisingly, she was always wary if they have to go home to his Creator precedes father.
'' It was not afraid of dying mother, but the mother was afraid father would be lonely. Therefore, the mother had a feeling you all will not be able to accompany your father.'' At that time I could only bow his head. I remember our childhood. Of the fourteen children, almost none of whom do not feel slap father, or sick to be treated as an 'enemy'. Dad was so hard, discipline and dictators. However, between her character was actually tucked an extraordinary intelligence. Intelligence that is later revealed to his children.
Sometimes he's like Leonardo da Vinci or Einstein. Even though a lot more like a tiger, Rumi often appear light in his eyes. Once upon a time he spoke to me how to respond to life,'' a clean heart is a mirror without stain so it can receive a lot of shadow, or reflection. The cleaner had left the fragrance and color, every time they can see the beauty without a hitch *. So live with heart, conscience and without hatred.''
That's when my father started talking about life. He often brings the words of the wise, is no exception Rumi or the other. When talking about the universe, he would quote passages from the Koran, even the paranormal.
Her mind was always soar. All wishes must be followed, including the hiring of the mother to feed all her children, while she's so busy with his mind and his dreams, until he lost consciousness that life is no life that must bear, that his wife and children.
He also forgot the essence of true love from a man, to the mother, her children and the divine. He also did not realize that her passion loud and explosive had actually hurt her and meluluhlantakakan expectations. Moreover, when the mother was dead. He looked so lonely.
Whenever dealing with my father, my mother always reminded of that now in the arms of his Creator. '' There should be no resentment or hatred. Never leave your father alone. Just look at her. He was hard, but it actually has a love for you. If there is a sense of revenge, should the mother of the most vengeful. But no. Do not. Love your dad as mom love you.''
Old body man we used pangil father was now more lying in bed. Old age has claimed the whole character. He was like a cocoon, not to be born again into a beautiful butterfly, but to come home to who owns it.
Sometimes I heard him mention the name of Allah and seek forgiveness. Light eyes as saying,'' Come dear, close Come closer to me, forgive your father who has hurt you.''
His gaze was often made my heart tremble, my heart injuries such as bleed and hurt. But, when it flashed before the eyes of the mother's face, I cry and feel guilty, then wound turn to other injuries. No. There should be no resentment at all in my heart. As the mother, although the wound deeper, not a shred of a sense of revenge or hatred to the father.
When young and strong, fathers taught us about living with violence, alienation and isolation as well as fanciful. While mom teaches love and compassion for us. When the father's eyes emit fire of anger, the mother's eyes emit water and water it until extinguished. Thus, when the mother left us for ever, we feel lost and missed his presence many years back.
Whenever I visit my father, always taking the mother's room and looked in his face in a family photo. In her beautiful and gentle that I learned how love conquers all hatred, jealousy, anger and revenge. Love that emanates from the mother's face like Samodra beauty. If it were so longing vanished. The face that was able to impart wisdom. Life must be lived with heartfelt sincerity and awareness to leave everything and devoted love.
Perhaps feeling the same father with my feelings towards the mother's departure ten years ago. In fact, maybe wounds suffered much deeper. Moreover, while living with her mother, the father has a large dependence on the mother who always hurt him. Perhaps his injury has now become the biggest burden for fathers.
If the mother of the most oppressed have always forgive, why can not I?
Why are my brothers are also not?
I feel, sometimes he misses the presence of a person, also their children, who feel has been missing from her life. He was so lonely. When I looked, there seemed little grains among the dim light of his eyes, he always asks how's Fuad, Zaim, Nur or my other brother. If so, will he finally fell silent.
Faced with his father now, should not grudge or hatred that we plug in the chest. But, the light of love, or caress with words and a pure heart. Not long, maybe not long before he would return to his Creator after the mother, and it was bound to happen. He now no longer flapping his courage, or light rammed anger to anyone. That he could only mumble in the struggle towards the end of his journey. He was very dim, he was like man Ngungun.

Muslims in Australia

The history of Islam to Australia starting from the first interaction of fishermen from South Sulawesi (Indonesia) by natives in northern Australia (Aboriginal) in about 1750. Not a lot of the number of Muslims living in Australia at the time, until about the year 1860 a group of camel herders from Afganisthan come to Australia to increase the number of Muslims living in Australia.
In the 19th century Australia has many areas / land rich in natural resources that have not tereksploitasi.Sebagian of the land in the form of the desert with extremely high temperatures with little springs. Camel is an ideal animal for the condition, then in 1840 a man named Horrick insert (import) was first camels to Australia, he wanted to compare between camels and horses as animal porters in the desert, but the mission failed. The next group of camels came in 1860 as many as 24 camels. By trying to use camels as draft animals, Australia need people who are experts in driving and operating a camel, then be brought for the first time the Afghan people to operate 24 camels, and not long after that more Muslims coming into Australia afghanisthan. About 10,000 to 12,000 camels were brought to Australia in the period between the years 1860 to 1907.
Around 3000 Muslims from Afghanistan to work as a carrier of goods, water, and food by using camels in areas that are difficult. (A. Saeed, Islam in Australia, Allen & Unwin, 2003). The camel herders from Afghanistan found a nearly identical conditions as in their home areas in central Australia, they drive ontanya and walk across the desert about 600 km to transport goods from the main and important towards Oodnadatta Alice Springs (Central Australia) . "Their contribution in open areas as well as a common pathway for the general public in areas of Australia is very big and important. Traditional economic backbone of Australia at that time, namely agriculture and mining in dire need of camels as a means of transportation and their herdsmen "(Tin Mosques and Ghantowns - Christine Stevens 1989).
With the end of the era of using camels in the transport industry around 1920, and the regulations that are stricter than Australia Immigration regarding at least the white population of Australia, the number of Afghan Muslims who come to Australia to be reduced. (B. Cleland, The Muslims in Australia: A Brief History, Islamic Council of Victoria, 2002).
In around 1960, due to the more flexible rules of Immigration Australia with regard to the nation's non-European migration to Australia, the number of Muslims who came to Australia to be increased. At around 1960 and around 1970 in an amount large enough Muslim migration from Lebanon and Turkey to Australia, where the largest number of Muslims in Australia today comes from both State. The largest number of Muslims living in Australia now come from the Arabs, as compared to other Muslim Arabs from Lebanon has the greatest number and a longer history of migration / long. Lebanon's first national migration to Australia occurred in the late 1880's. The second wave of migration occurred between 1947 to 1975, especially after a war between Arabs and Israel in 1967. The third wave occurred in 1976 after the civil war in Lebanon. Other Arab nations have the largest population in Australia is from Egypt. Like the Lebanese, Egyptians migrating to Australia's largest occurred after World War II, this migration occurs in two waves, namely between 1947 up to 1971, and the second wave occurred in the late 1980's. (A. Saeed, Islam in Australia, Allen & Unwin, 2003).
Muslims in Australia today
According to the census of the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) in 2001, the number of Muslims in Australia amounted to 281,578 people, or 1.5% of the population is the population of Australia. Meanwhile, according to one estimate from Islamic institutions in New South Wales (NSW) reached 300,000 people. The census also shows that Muslims in Australia come from various countries, with only 20.8% came from Lebanon and 14.5% came from Turkey, while 64.7% came from about 9 countries (Indonesia, Afghanistan, Bosnia, etc.). The census also showed that Australian Muslims have a pretty good education compared to the Australian population as a whole, 21.7% of Australian Muslims who are over 15 years old have a bachelor's degree (bachelor degree) or higher, the percentage is higher than 12 , 4% of the Australian population as a whole. Important conclusion from the results of these statistics is that the negative perception of the majority of Australian Muslims are not educated, especially those from Arab nations are unfounded.
Activity of Worship
In doing acts of worship of Muslims in Australia has more than 85 mosques and about 50 musolah (the prayer), besides in some areas away from the mosque several Muslim initiative to hire a building (eg building community centers) to be a place of prayer Friday . To build a mosque requires certain procedures established by the government to fulfill the terms as constructing buildings for public interest.
Individual Muslims usually have no problem in doing acts of worship during weekday prayers, the most experienced problem is when the implementation of the Friday prayers. When facing a problem of difficult perform Friday prayers, a devout Muslim opted out of work or organize some neighboring Muslim place of work to perform Friday prayers, while the less devout Muslims perform Friday prayers of worship to choose to leave. Religious activities in Australia is quite vibrant, it may be seen from the number of assemblies taklim or study groups there, even some fairly active Islamic movements seen doing various activities.
Conditions Muslim Australia Post July 7, 2005 London bombings
Not long after the events of the explosion of a bomb in London July 7, 2005, Western State governments to immediately continue the campaign to enact special laws for Muslims living in Western countries. They are trying to mislead the public to form an opinion that the new law is intended to protect and fight the danger of terrorism in their country. But it can not be avoided, the hidden agenda of the campaign is targeting and undermine Islam and Muslims in the West immediately apparent.
Strategies and hidden agendas indicated by the State Government of West have many similarities. Propaganda that began with reasons sought to combat terrorism, soon expanded to combat what they call the opinions / ideas are radical and extreme, this strategy is targeted to divide Muslims by giving moderate Muslims and Muslim predicate radical / extreme.
In Australia, the target is also directed to Muslim schools, where the government would review the curriculum taught in the schools. This plan immediately got a strong reaction from Muslim schools because the curriculum is taught today is not much different from what is taught in other schools, and many students from the Muslim schools that have higher achievement than other schools. The government also proposed that Muslim schools teach more Australian societal values, such as tolerance, responsibility and so on, where these values ​​are also present in Islam and has been taught in Muslim schools, more than that school- Muslim schools in curriculum learning never taught terrorism. Meanwhile, in the mosques, the government proposed that the imam should be briefed of what they should preach.
Not only there, Liberal MP Bronwyn Bishop proposes to ban headscarves in public schools, because the veil is considered contrary to the values ​​of Australian society of equality and caused a split in the schools. This proposal also got a tough challenge from both Muslims and non-Muslims, most of which were against the proposal saying that there was no evidence of headscarves in schools causing discord and equality. Kerry Cullen one public high school principals upper level (SMTA) in Sydney, said that in his school there is only one person who wear veils brownish red color which is in accordance with the school uniform, and that's not a problem in the school. There is never any negative reports from teachers or students caused by the wearing of the hijab. Other school heads say that we have never seen a split caused by the use of the veil, we see it as a cultural diversity.
Relations between Muslims and non-Muslims and Muslims in Australia hope
In general, relations between Muslims and non-Muslims in Australia is quite good, especially before the events of 11 September. But after the events of September 11, Bali bombings, London bombings followed a lot of Muslims who received less favorable treatment both by the public and by governments and the media. However, personal relations between Muslims and non-Muslims is still fairly good, although sometimes the terrorist designation in both jokingly and seriously frequently asked non-Muslims to Muslim terrorist designations or labels is sometimes less fun for Muslims.
In general, the expectations of Muslims living in Australia is that it can more easily carry out the activities of worship, especially worship Friday prayers, while expectations were addressed to the Australian government and the mass media are not continuously marginalize Muslims by giving labels are not as exciting as extremists, radicals , terrorists, etc.

How to Make a Blog Make Money

For those of you who are still confused about how to create a blog / website that makes money, here is a simple step and must be done by everyone even for a beginner though, let us consider the steps to be prepared:

For those of you who are still confused about how to create a blog / website that makes money, here is a simple step and must be done by everyone even for a beginner though, let us consider the steps to be prepared:

Understanding Blog?
Blogging about the same daily denganbuku where you can write articles on any topic you like, such as personal experience, fashion, technology, trends, etc.
Where to Start?
Is blogger.com and wordpress.com which is the best free blog maker services. Between these two blogging service provider must have similarities and differences that we can not discuss here in detail, but certainly you will be led step by step to make your first post.
Naming the Blog.
When you register on one of the blogs above, you will surely have a blog name that would look like this: namablog. Blogspot.com when you sign up at blogger.com and namablog.wordpress.com if you sign up at wordpress.com.
And to keep in mind is the selection of the name of the blog should reflect the issues you stretcher in your blog.
Determining the Blog Title.
The title of the blog is the most important, why? because the blog will share your blog overall. Determination of the blog title should be something to do with the name of the blog, for example the name of your blog is tokosepatu.wordpress.com so it's good title your blog "selling shoes at wholesale prices", "place berbelaja reliable online shoes" etc, as for the purpose of padupadan the blog name and the title of the blog will determine the keywords (keyword) to be used as a keyword in the search engines.
Make Blog.
Once your blog is ready, you have decided to create a category. Basically, this category is a sub-topic point for mapping or grouping of the contents of your blog in order to stay focused on the topic. Besides the category function is to facilitate you in your readers find the article you are looking for.
Article Writing consistently.
The difficulty in making the blog or website is consistency, consistency is meant here is:
Should write articles that correspond to the topic.
The article that you write can be useful for solving certain problems
Contains tips and tricks, tips and tricks for this usually is a simplification of a long description
Make a commitment to yourself to always schedule the addition of articles / content of your blog, pengupdatean blog can be scheduled each period of time (eg, once a week).
Promote Your Blog.
Once your blog has useful information, then it's time you introduce another blog, it oromatis people will come to your blog via search engines through keywords you Define. Promotion blog can be done in several ways, either through the media jejeraing sisial, it could be through a particular web forum or also through the medium of exchange links on several other blogs.
Actually the best and fastest way is to use a blog promotion search engine (Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.), however, the search engine is not as fast as we had hoped for that you have to optimize your blog so search engines can mengindexs your blog well.
For optimizing your blog on the search engines necessary SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and integrating Google Analytics to your blog to measure the number of visitors coming to your blog.
Making Money From Blog.
Requires at least 100 to 200 visitors per day to make your blog as a blog which can bring ad.
But it is also not enough because you still have to register your blog with Google Adsense, Kontera and your blog ready to make money from advertising. Then to solidify again you can go to Clickbank or CJ, choose products that relate to your topic, add it to your blog and earn a commission for each sale of the product. Generally, if your blog gets 500 visitors per day then you can make almost $ 1000 per month.
So the conclusion Blogging is not simple, but it took hard work, patience and consistency. Do not be a burden to write but think of it as a hobby and start writing articles that are useful in any spare time you have. One thing is clear, by taking the above, your blog will grow and make money in 1 or 2 years!

So the conclusion Blogging is not simple, but it took hard work, patience and consistency. Do not be a burden to write but think of it as a hobby and start writing articles that are useful in any spare time you have. One thing is clear, by taking the above, your blog will grow and make money in 1 or 2 years

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